Про Иран и его предыдущие революции (осторожно, англ.)
Новости из Ирана все прибывают. Вот тут люди на образовательном канале попытались рассказать про предыдущие революции в этой стране. Может, кому-то будет интересно. Извиняйте - русского, к сожалению, нет.Подробнее
Iran's Revolutions: Crash Course World History 226,Education,Iran,Persia,revolution,khomeini,ayatollah,Jimmy Carter,Shah of Iran,revolt,constitution,Supreme Leader,Embassy,hostage crisis,1979,John Green,Hank Green,Vlogbrothers,crash course,history,world history,AP,test,exam,homework help,teacher resources,In which John Green teaches you about Iran's Revolutions. Yes, revolutions plural. What was the1979 Iranian Revolution about? It turns out, Iran has a pretty long history of unrest in order to put power in the hands of the people, and the most recent revolution in 1979 was, at least at first, not necessarily about creating an Islamic state. It certainly turned out to be about that, but it was initially just about people who wanted to get rid of an oppressive regime. Listen up as John teaches you about Iran's long history of revolution. Citation 1: Caryl, Christian. Strange Rebels: 1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century. New York, Basic Books. 2014, p. 11 Citation 2: Axworthy, Michael, Revolutionary Iran: A History of the Islamic Republic. Oxford U. Press. 2014, p. 62 Citation 3: Quoted in Axworthy, p. 81 Citation 4: Axworthy, p. 114 Citation 5: Axworthy, p. 163
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