Alexandre de Moraes 'Força Nacional" soldier Bolsonaro Brazilian Army soldier - Socialist Supreme Court justce who basically carried the entire Braziian left to victory •Censors the right on every platform, sends the Federal Police and National Face to deal with them when they protest -Translates to ’National Force", judiciary police created by Lula in 2004 Unwavering loyalty to Alexandre de Moraes -Has been waiting tor tNs moment Ns - -\ at* I - MW E »vw rty are ko y a to the Took the Brazilian Air Force One to Miami during the last day of his presidency, doesn't really care what's going on in Brazil at this -Just wants to kil communists and dru< dealers Ike he was told he would do at the recruiter’s office -Is secretly organzing a mutiny /boisonarist coup in a whatsapp group with other enlisted and low ranking officers Communist Party member Lula Left PSOL member -Will talk about this event nonstop for the next 50 years as an example of right wing terrorism -"What if they weren't white?" h---& -Is outraged at police's supposedly "weak* response to the stormings, despite wide evidence that police are behaving much like they would in response to a leftist riot Knows that In the end this whole thing will just increase his approval rating Joe Biden "Bolsonaro? Who's that?" -His aides have already put 50 thousand troops and a carrier strike group on standby for if anything happens ANTIFA false-flagger Urinates on the Brazilian Flag inside the senate, blames it on the bolsonarists University Students Saw the Bolsonarists marching by her campus from their campsite at Army Headquarters to the Congress building, couldn't do anything except scream 'fascists" • • Brazilian Army General -Was begged by Bolsonarists to stage a coup against Lula for 2 months, but did nothing -Doesn't really understand why the right suddenly Brazilian Redditors Usually libertarians, but in this case would be fine if the police used 50cals and real grenades against the stormers Rio and Sao Paulo organized crime Bolsonaro supporters say he controls Lula and Moraes but he really only cares about politics Boisonarist Stormer -Voir 58 year old uncle who camped in front of army bases for 2 months, lost hs pb and his wife because of it, and is NOT givng up on his Partido Novo member -Somehow finds a way to blame this on people who thought Sergio Moro wasn’t a viable presidential candidate Ghost of Pelé "I’m not saying I was the only thing holding this country together, but * -Weeks after his death people are still shitting on him for refusing to pay government mandated child
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