Польша, Латвия, Литва и Естония в ближайшие 48-72 часа начнут процесс полной изоляции от России и Беларуси
MIHICTEPCTBO 1НФРАСТРУКТУРИ украКни пр-т Перемоги, 14. м. Ки1В. 01135, тел.: (+38 044) 351-40-96. 351-40-01. факс: (+38 044) 351-48-45 E-mail: mivia mtu.gov.ua сайт: www.mtu.gov.ua код зпдно з СДРПОУ 37472062 Ministry of Infrastructure and Development of the Republic of Poland Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Latvia Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania Ministry of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure of the Republic of Estonia MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE OF UKRAINE 14. Peremohy ave\. Kyiv, 01135, Ukraine tel: (+38 044) 351-40-96. 351-40-01, fax: (+38 044)351-48-45 E-mail: mi^+nmt,&>v.ua WEB: www.mtu.gov.ua код зпдно з СДРПОУ 37472062 Dear Colleagues! First of all, let me express my gratitude for your devotion to the Ukrainian nation's striving for peace and independence, as well as for the unprecedented measures you are taking to do so. We highly appreciate your commitment to stop the Russian "war machine" by blocking the possibility of road freight transportation to the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus through your countries, which you set out in your joint letter addressed to the European Commissioner for Transport Mrs. Adina Valean. Recently, Ukraine has taken part in a meeting of the TMB ITF, which raised the issue of excluding Russia from the ITF. However, we all understand that the final decision will require additional time, which, unfortunately, Ukraine does not have. It should also be noted that the annulment of ECMT permits for Russia and Belarus will not provide the required result. In this regard, in order to urgently block the ability of Russia and Belarus to feed their bloody "war machine" by land transport deliveries through your ytOKYMlillT C'PJt Minin4>pacrpyKrypii Miiiicicpcino iih ip.icipyKivpn VKpuiim ГЪдписуеач Кубракоо Олександо Миколайоаич Сертиф.кэт ?§»P?£7F^^7^QW9Q9^t4»(?Q72f,Fg4(X» Д1йсмий J 0.00 00 по ¿4,05 ¿0?? V Sg:*9 1328/13/14-22 eiA 29.03.2022 countries, we ask you to annul all bilateral permits for international road freight, which were granted them in accordance with the concluded bilateral agreements between your countries in the field of road transport. We will be sincerely grateful for the support of such a proposal and joint action in this direction. Sincerely yours Minister Oleksandr KUBRAKOV
песочница политоты,политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы,Вторжение в Украину 2022
Еще на тему
1 - изоляция касается и РБ
2 - в документе написано про перекрытие грузоперевозок по земле
не совсем понятно - будут ли перекрыты жд и морской транспорт (самолёты емнип уже)
2) Пока вроде речь только про перекрытие сухопутной границы
но в доке явно прописано "road freight transportation", что емнип предполагает фуры
поэтому и не уверен по поводу закрытия жд
подозреваю что этот документ - первый и дальше будут ещё