9:58 t. ö i rule34.xxx 0 : Roscomnadzor Letter. Rule#34: If it exists there is porn of it. If not, start uploading. Posts Comments Forum My Account Search Serving 4,216,439 posts - Running Gelbooru Beta 0.2 Terms of Service At rule34.xxx Its easv to find anv kind of Dorn with our fast ■ ® ◄
9:59 £ $ m "mi û â rule34.xxx/images/rosc< 0 : information prohibited for public distribution in the Russian Federation". In accordance with No. 7 of Article 15.1. of the Federal Law dated 27.07.2006 No. 149-FZ "On Information. Information Technologies and Information Protection" we notify you that on the basis of a decision of Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications dated 03.05.2021 No 12%198-URL-on Internet web-site page (s) link (s) https://rule34.xxx/ was (were) included in the "Unified register of domain names, Internet web-site page links and network addresses enabling to identify the Internet web-sites containing the information prohibited for public distribution in the Russian Federation", the number of the register entry is 1286052-PH due to the fact that this Internet web-site page (s) link (s) contains child pornography images and (or) announcements to involve juveniles to participate in pornographic entertainment performances as actors. It is necessary to immediately inform the owner of the revealed Internet web-site about this fact, and to notify him of the need to remove the information prohibited for distribution in the Russian Federation immediately. After receiving from the hosting provider a notification of inclusion of the domain name and (or) the Internet web-site page link in the Register, the Internet website owner shall take immediate measures to remove and (or) to limit the access to the Internet web-site containing information prohibited for distribution in the Russian Federation. In case the Internet web-site owner fails to fulfill this requirement, the hosting provider must restrict the access to the web-site in question within 24 hours from the receipt of the notification. In case the Internet web-site owner fails to fulfill this requirement or to act appropriately, the hosting provider is required to limit an access to this Internet web-site within 24 hours. In case the hosting provider and (or) the Internet web-site owner fail to take these measures, the network address enabling to identify Internet web-sites containing the information prohibited for distribution in the Russian Federation will be decided to be entered into the Register and to be limited for access by operators. The decision about entering the domain names. Internet web-site page links and network addresses enabling to identify the Internet web-sites containing the information prohibited for distribution in the Russian Federation can be appealed to a court by the owner of the Internet web-site, the hosting provider or the operator providing an access to the Internet data telecommunications network within three months from the date of taking such decision. The information on the availability of Internet web-site page links. Internet domain names and network addresses in the Unified Register is accessible on a 24-hour basis at the following web address: http://eais.rkn.gov.ru/en/ . You can also clarify the legal basis of the domain names and URLs adding to the Unified Register via this form. The notification about the deleting of the prohibited information should be sent to the zapret-info@rkn.gov.m. In case of the deleting approved by Roskomnadzor. the information about the domain names and URLs of the web-pages or network addresses is being excluded from the Unified Register. This Notice is duly signed electronically by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications. ◄
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