Интересный персонаж нарисовался - доктор Брюс Айлворд, который возглавлял февральскую миссии ВОЗ в Китай и безоговорочно подтвердил все цифры китайцев о количестве заболевших в Ухане
Сейчас страница с его инфой срочно потерта с сайта ВОЗа, найти его можно только в кэше.Он тут давал интервью и на вопрос про ситуацию с коронавирусом в Тайване придурился что не услышал вопрос, а когда вопрос внятно и в понятных выражения повторили еще раз разъединил видеозвонок.
Видимо ВОЗ у Китая на очень коротком поводке.
Wäzw Organization Health Topics Countries v Newsroom v Emergencies About Us v Director-General's Office Director-General Headquarters Leadership Team Deputy Directors-General Assistant Directors-General Regional Directors Global Policy Group Former Directors-General Bruce Aylward Assistant Director-General Dr Aylward is currently on loan from WHO to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) to lead a newly established Change Management Unit. In this capacity he is responsible for taking forward the recommendations from a wide-ranging functional review of OCHA to optimize its role: functions: structure and processes for the challenges of the 21st century. Immediately prior to taking up this role Dr Aylward led the inter-agency process that resulted in the first-ever system-wide activation procedures for major infectious disease emergencies. From December 2015 through July 2016, Dr Aylward led the design and implementation of far-reaching reforms of WHO's work in emergencies, culminating in the launch of a new WHO Health Emergencies Programme, the most substantive reform in the Organization’s 68 year history. From September 2014 through July 2016 he served as Special Representative of the Director-General for the Ebola Response, directing WHO’s over 2000 people response to the West Africa outbreak and providing strategic and technical leadership to the United Nations Emergency Ebola Response (UNMEER). Assistant Director- © From 2011 through 2016, Dr Aylward also led WHO’s work in preparedness, readiness and response to humanitarian emergencies as the lead agency of the Global Health Cluster. During that time he managed a comprehensive restructuring of \A/I—ir\V \nr\r[s ir> hnmonitorion nmArnrinrino olinninn it \«/i + K Intnr Annnr»/ CtonHinn f » +
WHO's Bruce Aylward interviews with Hong Kong's RTHK and refuses to discuss Taiwan,News & Politics,Bruce Aylward,WHO,Hong Kong RTHK,Taiwan,Corona Virus,COVID-19,This is very telling on why the World Health Organization dragged its feet in disseminating information regarding the severity of the outbreak of COVID-19/Wuhan Virus in China. A few figureheads were definitely payed off to downplay the gravity of the situation in China.
ВОЗ,Всемирная организация здравоохранения,коронавирус,Китай,страны,марионетка,скандалы интриги расследования,политота,Приколы про политику и политиков,песочница политоты
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