I am a son and a brother I am a Marine combat veteran I am a small-town police officer I believe in small government My ancestors came to America in the 1700s I am a gun owner TRUTH ABOUT GUNS T
• I believe a Gun Safe could have prevented the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. • I am a gun owner and I vote. #Thetruthaboutguns #2ndAmendmentRights
'i. а *л 19 СС СМ\ Р&ЬК "X Олл (X (э Ьб< Игмо^ "X (ЯМ ncrf- -Rxrf ¿>f -fKc X Я'* # Prr^i /4л^Г'6з^ I "X CW\ Ö (эслл Q\^r*S~ i dfrTTAG &cts\ 'Mes .Co.
America Has More Gun Shops Than Grocery Stores Number of stores/restaurants in the United States (latest available data as of December 2012) Retail Gun Stores Supermarkets Subway McDonald's Starbucks 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 ctütictü Wa (cctCreative /Tn Sources: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, OUUIOia Ucommons \U Progressive Grocer, Starbucks, McDonald's, Subway The Statistics Portal
ITS ALL GOING TO BE OK Fat People have arrived
X Love.
1990 2000 2010 2020
Guns Aren’t the Problem- You Are. by Anthony on July 30,2014 We lead the world in but a handful of things, but one of them is personal firearm ownership. This country has approximately 310 million guns, or about 1.4 firearms per adult for the entire population. There are about 32.000 people killed each year by guns in the United States. Yes, we also lead the world in that. too. Why though? There is no Constitutional right to being a pussy. The AR-15 platform is the most successful rifle of our generation. It's based off of the military's M-16. designed by Eugene Stoner of Colt Defense, and first field tested in Vietnam. After over five decades of use. the M-16 is still the foremost weapon of the US military. Today's model is a more efficient and compact version of the original 1962 release, with a more modular design, adjustable buttstock, shorter barrel, and detachable carrying handle. The AR-15 follows suit, aesthetically, to the civilian market. Both the AR-15 civilian platform and the M-16 military platform fire the same round-a .223 caliber (5.56mm) cartridge, with minor differences between the civilian and military grades. They are essentially the same weapon, with one key exception- the AR-15 is a semi-automatic variant (let's not split hairs with technicalities on pre-ban weapons: this isn't that kind of article) of the military weapon. The huge success of the AR-15 can be attributed to domestic fears associated with the economy or politics, the rise in realism in video games perhaps, the admiration of precision firearms, the falling costs as more manufacturers begin making their own. the social acceptance of military-style rifles, the familiarization many veterans have with the platform, and an increase in shooting as a sport. It has been estimated that approximately 3.3 million AR-15s were sold between 1986 and 2009. and another 2 million from 2009-2012.
409 | as of the beginning of the Ferguson riots |
/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate List [edit] This is an incomplete list of 75 Countries and Dependencies, which may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it & v Firearm-related death rate per 100,000 population per year Country $ Total (calculated) Ф Homicides ▼ Suicides Unintentional * Undetermined Ф Sources and notes Ф == Uruguay 14.01 (mixed years) 3.43 (2009) 7.03 (2000) 3.46(2000) 0.09 (2000) Guns in Uruguay*691 El Salvador 46.85 (incomplete) 39.90 (2008) 6.80 (2006) 0.15 (1999) unavailable Guns in El Salvador*181 wm Montenegro 8.55 (2009. incomplete) 2.06 (2009) 6.49 (2009) unavailable unavailable Guns in Montenegro*44} WS United States 10.30 (2011) 4.7 (2012) 6.30 (2011) 0.30 (2011) 0.10(2011) Guns in United States*661 South Africa 21.51 (mixed years) 17.00 (2007) 3.81 (1999) 0.35(1999) 0.35(1999) Guns in South Africa*591 4—i Finland 3.64 (2010) 0.26 (2010) 3.34 (2010) 0.02 (2010) 0.02 (2010) Guns in Finland*201 Q Switzerland 3.84 (mixed years) 0.52 (2010) 3.15 (2008) 0.10(1998) 0.07(1994) Guns in Switzerland1'-4}
аЛ * O^tKL / fttft ft ЙИТ*й- i VVusbür^ ^ Au A Cemi^LOéiS "Í i'u'jiföST -fl« Qrè (Wf Mnwepx 1 i tbí-hriActeut^oas
In One Year, Guns Murdered: 17 in Finland 35 in Australia 39 in Hngland and Wales 60 in Spain 194 in Germany 200 in Canada 9,484 in THE UNITED STATES GOD BLESS AMERICA.
Gun Ownership In The U.S. There are about 86 privately-owned guns in the U.S. for every 100 Americans. 315 million citizens 270 million guns X 1 million citizens f 1 million guns Gun Ownership Worldwide No other country compares to the United States' gun ownership rate. Guns per 100 citizens ■ > 75 ■ 50-75 30-50 10-30 5-10 ■ <5 Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Graduate Institute of International Studies Small Arms Survey (2007) THE HUFFINGTON POST
Америка,MURICA,gun control,подборка,ствол,длиннопост,песочница политоты,политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы
Еще на тему
Логично, что полиция Британии, у которой В ПРИНЦИПЕ нет оружия, не может застрелить преступника. Не знаю как вас, а меня такие попытки одурачить читателя жутко раздражают и подрывают доверие к автору.
а нахуй такая полиция нужна?
а) Население не хочет давать полиции оружие.
б) Население более охотно помогает полицейским, а полицейские - не беспредельничают.
в) Полицейские тоже в значительной мере не хотят ответственности за огнестрел.
обычные бобби - просто наблюдают и помогают людям.
Бледно-голубой: 0-1
Синий (как РФ): 5-10
Темно-синий (Мексика): больше 20
Политически некорректно? - да. Но если смотреть на карту как на территории, а не страны - всё верно. Мог бы и проверить перед своим комментарием, Валт.
По данным ООН, США на 111-м месте по количеству убийств на душу населения, РФ - на 66-м, Украина - на 115-м.
Однако, и я врать не хочу - показатель, как для стран "первого мира" у США - наивысший.
И не забывайте, что огнестрел часто используют фермеры (рэднеки) для отстрела вредителей - от зайцев до волков. Там это очень актуальная проблема (без шуток).
Ссыль: http://specnaz.sb.by/antiterror/article/tabelnaya-bezoruzhnost.html
В Україні нема закона про зброю. Тоєсть єсть якась бумажка, шо звецця наказом і всьо. То шо там описано і розписано трудно назвать вмєняемим текстом, а условія получєнія законного оружия іногда суперечать самі собі. З цього ми робимо висновок, шо власть не хоче і не буде разрешать нормальним свободним людям владєть оружиєм - а значить вона нас щита своїми рабами. На ето ми пойтіть нє могьом. Нада шота мінять бо іначє так і останемся рабами.
все таки код работает))
я тут злой, нафиг мне няшная аватарка на риахтуре?*
Реактор для злых :D
а так проще взять 2 трубы и охотничий патрон 12мм
быстрее будет, чем печатать, протирать ацетоном да подгонять всю эту хуйню
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2 Мексиканцы