Социалистические Штаты Америки
by Regicollis, http://regicollis.deviantart.com/art/National-and-State-Flags-of-Communist-America-480484402
FLAGS OF the UNION of SOCIALIST COUNCIL REPUBLICS of AAERICA * * •*.***** * * ** * * * * ****** ** The Pledge oï Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the Fla$ of the United Socialist Council Republics of America, and to the People’s Republic for which it stands, one Nation for the Worhin^ Class, indivisible, with bread and justice for all. Arizona s'Ä Arhansas *A*/> -rfv VÎV * 1 * Indiana Mississippi mm North Dahota NORTH DAKOTA S.C.R. 'A CALIFORNIA S.C.R. California IOWA S.C.R. * V* Colorado Connor Unit V ' A; Delaware Florida 1 Georgia South Dahota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Я Ватник,# я ватник, ,политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы,песочница политоты,США,Ватные арты,разная политота
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