Crowd-size estimates Selected protests: Q official 10 unofficial Reason for protest: Anti-government Anti-austerity Pro-independence Pro-democracy Barcelona (Sep ilth 201*) ) Greece (Jun 5th 2011) Hong Kong (Sep 30th ¿OH) • Bangkok (Dec 22nd 2013) 10 Kiev Turkey (Nov 24th 2013) (May 28UhM 31St 20J3) © Moscow (Sep 21st 2014) Bahrain (Nor 9th 2012) * Chile (Aug ¿8th 2011) Brazil (Jun 20th 2013) 18 20 12 14 16 15-24-year-olds as % of total population Sources: Press reports: Economist Intelligence Unit: UN; The Economist ‘Central government 'local police
политота,Приколы про политику и политиков,песочница политоты,график объема волнений,на английском,песочница
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