Mng ers from the MH17 catastrop] ^ he crush of Malaysia Airline.' Flight MHI7in eastern Ukraine looks most likely to , be the result of a catastrophic * Such things luipjxrn in wars, id otherwise, and more details _ A— • * *1-'—K.» agemrnt had followed the rumple of other nuOorXsun air carriers and steered clear of the eastern Ukraine combat zone, it could hair avoided the Mil 17 tragedy on July 17. 'JTie outrage in Kuropc and the Unit-t Russia over the I horrttic dmr-doc .uta O'-*'4 hWlhalh aero« Ukralnf haired tt generated. Btfll and callow arc the cun« ere in Washington - \ftj servatlve, KepuhlWant alike -that It 1» literal for ihc m to undmur — a. -» '■A 'Jtflr
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