Mechanical Encyclopedia Artbook mi * APPROXIMATELY • CEMENT AND PAINT NOT INCLUDED EMERSON TU / Emerson Tung :: Emerson Tung :: Sci-Fi :: Sci-Fi :: длинопост :: без перевода :: альтернативная история :: artbook :: artist :: Mech :: long post :: alternative history :: long post :: artbook :: artist :: Mech :: art (арт) :: art

Sci-Fi art Mech Emerson Tung artist artbook альтернативная история без перевода длинопост long post 

Sci-Fi,art,арт,Mech,Emerson Tung,artist,artbook,альтернативная история,без перевода,длинопост,long post,Sci-Fi,art,Mech,Emerson Tung,artist,artbook,alternative history,long post

Mechanical Encyclopedia Artbook


The success of the Typo 11 Gosutokani proved the poienttal for crab-type tankheadt. This led to rhe creditors of a series of successor designs, with the Type 33 being most numerous and, arguably, most successful The armored legs greatly improved survivability over the Type 11

Building on tho succoss of tho haghly-stablo crab typo, rho Kabutomushi was a late-war heavy-artillery assault gun platform. Tho orniro roar compartmont was articulated and functionod as a court' to compensate for tho gun’s poworful recoil. This allowed for highly

3 x triple 400 mm gunc 2 x triple 153 mm gune 12 x twin 127 mm guns 100 x 25 mm onti aircraft gunc 8x132 mm anti-aircraft machine guns 18 x 24 in torpedo tubes 1 x handheld ohipbreokor indent ARMOR
410 mm I

"The Snail rolls remarkably well on her shell, sir!"
- Test Drii>er JS Smithe

When Allianco Amy Command first commissioned the Equipment Supply Cargo Transport unit the specftcofom colled for a light ono-tnan vohide capable of quickly transporting

Dunng rhe md WC040*, the West Rozenan war minlsty was united in o concerted effort to produce a now but still ironically Rozenion lankhead. one that would showcase rhe beleaguered stare's potential for producing cutting-odgo woaponry Though the choice to bare

		J	* « r	É3	
1x73 mm mortar cannon SECONDARY ARMAMENT 1 x 50 mm gun 1 x 30-oal machine gun 0 x

The discovery of the Isle b Von artifacts, fallowed by the production and rapid iwiovation of tonldieodst led to many new technologies and techniques the* soon were also adopted o industriel processes The factories that resulted wore simply in another class compared to those bull before *ie

Mitrorng tho dovolopmont of iho Kyzorian Spahor scour tankheod to a significant degree, the Crossley came about during thocoasofiro period ofWC012. With naiions being forced to build lighter tanks undot the stipulations of the coasofiio agreements, the idea of

The Type 71 was the fir« medium tank designed by the Yamaichi military. Tho 'fcmachiWarEnginooring Department took inspiration from pre-war A) la nee medium sank» to creole something unique
The Typo 71 stemmed from tho relatively peaceful period before the Never war. when the

COUNTRY New Kyzerie UNITS BUILT: 4 NO. OF CREW: 5 MAIN ARMAMENT 2 x lortg-raoge voltaio cartrvons SECONDARY ARMAMENT:
1	x voltaic cannon
2	x short barreled 75 mm guns 6 x smoko g renodes
ARMOR: 10-110 mm MAX SPEED 55 km/h

When rhe lumpe line mb further fortified by the Ailanco during iho ceasefire period, tho Kyzerians speculated on what son of g un ir wo ukJ lake to penetrate tho tremendously thick concrete and stool armor of Its fortresses The requirements they arrived ar were large enough to likely have desuaded

iart by: Ryan Barry ^Qmonkcys :ors by: Emerson Tung
	1J,Sci-Fi,art,арт,Mech,Emerson Tung,artist,artbook,альтернативная история,без перевода,длинопост,long post,Sci-Fi,art,Mech,Emerson Tung,artist,artbook,alternative history,long post


TYPE 33 HEIKEGANI The success of the Typo 11 Gosutokani proved the poienttal for crab-type tankheadt. This led to rhe creditors of a series of successor designs, with the Type 33 being most numerous and, arguably, most successful The armored legs greatly improved survivability over the Type 11 and the larger foot pods improved stability on soft ground. Its long range cannon could damage approaching ships and the disposable racket pack allowed it to deploy iremendous firepower during Initial srikes. The pop-up mount design for the rocket pock also afforded the Typo 33 a very low profile on what was already a very low sankhead type. 2 # YAMNOtl DOMINION CONTINUED» TAWHEAD S^'vj/K 113
TYPE 77 KABUTOMUSHI Building on tho succoss of tho haghly-stablo crab typo, rho Kabutomushi was a late-war heavy-artillery assault gun platform. Tho orniro roar compartmont was articulated and functionod as a court' to compensate for tho gun’s poworful recoil. This allowed for highly ocatrate follow-up fire without having to rood|ust aim, but many crows reported sufforing from nausea during periods of continuous fire. Much liko tho crab- typo tankhoad s, rho one motion of tho boorlo-like legs gave the Kobuiomushiaverylowprofile, comparable to a wheolod tank or solf-propollod artiBory. Combinod with «s stability, tho Kabuto was very affective in utilizing terrain to find covor COUNTRY Yomotohi UNITS BUILT: 2,306 NO OF CREW 8 MAIN ARMAMENT 1 x 150 mm cannon SECONDARY ARMAMENT: 1x30 mm gatling cannon 1 x 7.7 mm heavy moohirte gun 6 x сток© grenade launchers ARMOR 0-33 mm MAX SPEED: 36 km/h SPECIFICATIONS RJfinoceros beetles are considered a symbol of strength in many regions of the Dominion, a fitting association for a heavy artillery tank-head. 116 Ф YAMAICHI DOMINION • é TATKHEAD 117
GREAT WARSHIP FUTSUSHI SPECIFICATIONS COUNTRY: Yomotohi NO OF CREW 3,233 ARMAMENT: 3 x triple 400 mm gunc 2 x triple 153 mm gune 12 x twin 127 mm guns 100 x 25 mm onti aircraft gunc 8x132 mm anti-aircraft machine guns 18 x 24 in torpedo tubes 1 x handheld ohipbreokor indent ARMOR 410 mm I belt) 200-220 mm (deck) 050 mm (turrets) SPEED: 27 kn WhJo nost scholars agtoo tho Futsuste was an improvement over the Ibmafo in nearly every way. it never made os much of a namo for .tsolf. In fact many imagosof it havo boon mislabolod as being of the moro famous Yarooto In contrast to its predecessor, two of the main gun turrets were relocated from the hull to its shoulders, giving rho turrets a sg nfi canity reduced arc of fin but a more favorably-balanced weight for bipedal movement. The increased stability also made tho addition of lorgor turrets on tho fotoorm-pontoons possible Addtional Impiouomows included lower-log bows that induced drag when wading and an aniculoting bridge, supposedly inspired by bo Kyzerian Bismarcfc-class shiphoads. A handheld indent was forged for the Futsushi to better defend against rho raro submarino crow daring onough so como within melee range The three-pronged design meant that an inaccurate smb rrnght still cotch submarines on tho<r flanks, and ovon a glancing blow from such a gigantic weopon would be enough to pro see the hull. 32 # YAMA1CHI DOMINION GREAT CARRIER SHINANO SPECIFICATIONS COUNTRY: Yamarohl NO OF CREW £400 JETHEAOS CARRIED: 47 ARMAMENT: 20 x 127 mm duel-purpose guns 35 x triplo 25 mm onti-oircroft guns 12 x 28-barrel 120 mm entl-airoraft rocket launchers ARMOR 100-400 mm (belt) 70 mm (flight deok) SPEED 28 kn Iho Shirxsno was originally ¡mondad ro be o regular Mamcio-claw ship head, but partway through its consruction a largo number of Dominion carriers were destroyed. This resuhed in the Shinano being redesigned as a ¡oihocd carrier, tho largest carriorhead at that time. Interestingly, the Shinano incorporated many improvements rhar ware mode for the Fuisushi The lower legs were a hybrid of the Yamoto and Fussushi legs, and the assault doors of the Yctmolo wore retained to allow the canier to participate in amphibious landing operations. Whle these hatches were a known weak point that required continual momeonance, rhoy pravod their worth during the Grandmaster Gamble (WCQ49), when the Shinano supported the southern amphibious strike force. Ir was also during rho Grandmaster Gamble rhot observéis witnessed the Shinano augment is deployment rote and close fire support capability by throwing |otheods and massed bombs with its arms. TATKHEAD 133
"The Snail rolls remarkably well on her shell, sir!" - Test Drii>er JS Smithe 016 * BRUONICA ALLIANCE ESCARGOTRANSPORT When Allianco Amy Command first commissioned the Equipment Supply Cargo Transport unit the specftcofom colled for a light ono-tnan vohide capable of quickly transporting ammunition from ammo dumps to artillery or tank hoods. Early prototypes took the shape of a short, powerful, moped-like vehicle with a towed trailer. Those indudodfeatures such as a qmck- release towing hook that enabled rapid switching of trailers to optimize delivery. Tho dnvor would delivor a full traitor and take back an empty traitor to the ammo dump, where it in turn would be switched out for another full one When the design team demonsrated the prototype for the combinod Supply and Armored Division staff, they wore met with a few 'simple' requests for revisions. This snowballed into a practically unending list of modifications that would transform tvs modest unit Wo tho machine now fondly known os *rho Snail" Ono of tho earliost changos requested was that tho cargo should be protected; the mochine would be transporting Sve ammo for lankheods or artillery, and stray light arms fire was a concern Even a particularly ill-placed tide round might set off rhecatgo. This led to fabrication of an armored trailer During trials, the new trailer ovonumod repeatedly, so it was given a round shape that would roll rather than crash This iconic look would survive throughout the rest of tho dos<gnchangos. When the Snail proved slower than hoped, them wos a call for armaments to bo added so drivers could defend themselves in the event of on attack. Twin mochine guns mounted on the moped's windshield worn mod but, wlulo this looked intimidating, « proved to be impractical os it only allowed the machine to fire in one direction. Simultaneously, Command demanded a rodosgn that would adequaefy protect the driver from incoming fire along with the cargo Thus, the trailer concept was abandoned for a larger armorod cargo hold with a cramped driver comparmom. Tho now dangorously conspicuous profile this machine ptesented on the battlefield would draw more dangerous threats so, It wos decidod, hoavier firopowor than light mochino guns wos necessary The dosign team tested a number of driver-operated weapon system^ but they conduded that It was unreasonable to demand a single crewman to do oil that wos now being requited of him In the end, the designers serfed for a small manned turret on top of tho cargo componmonr, significantly reducing its cargo capacity and doubling is crew. Among many other rogrotabio docisons, tho final dosign still maintained the ri-wheel arrangement from eatfy in the design process Tho goarbox used was changed multiplo tinos, but tho actual engine never received much attenion throughout the vehicle's haphazaid evolution. Tho production modol Snail ortdod up being slow to accelerate, but coiid in fact build up a docent speed, so long as it hod a straight road and film, even ground. Overturning remained an issuo, howovor, ospocrally wh»n futy loaded Whcf's more, tho tendency to topple was increased with the addition of tho hghgun turrei. Dospitoall #iis, tho ESCaigo was easy to produce ond functional in the field, which resulted in laigo numbers seeing use throughout #» Neverwar. Even today, it is not uncommon to see surplus Snails converted into quirky camporvans or food trucks. SPECIFICATIONS COUNTRY; Grand Bntony UNITS BUILT: 243,000 NO OF CREW 2 MAIN ARMAMENT: T x 50-cal heavy mochine gun SECONDARY ARMAMENT 2 x 30-ool light moohine guns ARMOR: 10 mm MAX SPEED 40 km/h TATKHEAD 017
TK-2ATANK KONG 2 (ARTILLERY TYPE) Dunng rhe md WC040*, the West Rozenan war minlsty was united in o concerted effort to produce a now but still ironically Rozenion lankhead. one that would showcase rhe beleaguered stare's potential for producing cutting-odgo woaponry Though the choice to bare this new design on rhe original Tank Kong was apparent self-evident ar the «me, today some wonder why the T-34 or ts derivatives wore not chosen as a base The question may be considered moot however, as foe TK-2 A Tonk Kong 2 ultimately sharod little with its predecessor besides its posruro and name. In an effort to compensate for rhe Tank Kong 1 ‘s shortcomings in speed with o light frame, only rhe forward-facing segments of foe Tank Kong 2 were armored, while the manipulators of the fore Imbs were done away with onhrofy. Tho skolotal look and vossgal feet of the Tank Kong 2 has led sotno to believe it must have performed poorly. This was not tho case \Miile unconventional, rhe highly-optimized moblíy system of foo Kong 2 was, at tho »mo it was introduced, considered 050 * BRITONICÄ ALLIANCE SPECIFICATIONS COUNTRY: West Rozenia UNITS BUILT: 752 NO. OF CREW: 4 MAIN ARMAMENT: 2 x 30 mm rod cannons SECONDARY ARMAMENT 2 x 12.7 mm mochino guns 10 x smoke grenade launchers ARMOR: 16-70 mm MAX SPEED: 35 km/h indisputably advanced. Still it was no* without shortcomings. It was unwioidy in rums and, unsurprisingly, faaily vulnerable to ambushes or rear attach in close quarters combat, this latter fact malong it impractical for urban fighting A small number of variants were produced, wih many more novor progressing beyond tho blueprint phase. Piciurod here is the so-called 'artillery type.' The name is not particularly fitting os it weapon systom wasmcapablo of indlroct fire. It utilzed a comptox semi-hydraulic pressure system and fired a long but small coliber rod at extreme velocity. The sold projectile used pure loneic force focused on a small target area to improvo armor penetration. CONTINUED» TAW HEAD 051
060 * BRiïONICÀ ALLIANCE FT3 HEN TRANSPORT In IS J * « r É3 SPECIFICATIONS COUNTRY Grand Britony UNITS BUILT: 279 NO. OF CREW: 10 EGG TANKETTE CARRIED: 4 INFANTRY CARRIED: 12 MAIN ARMAMENT: 1x73 mm mortar cannon SECONDARY ARMAMENT 1 x 50 mm gun 1 x 30-oal machine gun 0 x smoko grenade lounohers ARMOR: 5-30 mm MAX SPEED 20 km/h As hos been the cose in every prolonged modem conflict, the technology avoiloblo a the final hour wm remarkably different from thot of the opening campaigns Despite #tis evident fad, military thoory and praxis logged bohind as commandors and troopsalike preferred to sick to proven methods over new or even experimental ideas White the birth of fietankhead and its supplemental technologies woro, unequivocally, tho military breakthroughs of rho century, it is easy to underestimate how much this technology matured in the eorfy years of sonkhead design. The power-to-weight rate of engines and ranimissions. power plants, fuel efficiency, and, above al, the design undemanding of arfculated kmbsevolved at a tremendous rate as ovary nation and workshop raced to keep a step ahead of the opposition or industrial competitors. The idea of large, even gigantic walking warmochines was no longer a marvel by the last year of fee Neverwar. The mechanisms copabio of transporting such titans had been fully reflnod and even scaled down to create smaller rightly-packed machines, demonstrating a mechanical undorssanding that oarly Novorwar engineers would never have thought possible. The most famous example of this evolution would be to FA5 'Rooster' artillery platform, which packed an entire battery worth of cannons into a single well-omtored vehicle. CONTINUED» TATKHEAD 061
The discovery of the Isle b Von artifacts, fallowed by the production and rapid iwiovation of tonldieodst led to many new technologies and techniques the* soon were also adopted o industriel processes The factories that resulted wore simply in another class compared to those bull before *ie Nevorwar The factories in Rozenia produced mechanical cogs of war of both machines and men. /a g ¡r ' tTfem - n l‘Ul U 1UL ^'¿£7 wafil KM y - -W- T Ai! vrfjie&T&S jSÇStæÊ
38 * BRÍTONICA ALLIANCE $4 CROSSLEY Mitrorng tho dovolopmont of iho Kyzorian Spahor scour tankheod to a significant degree, the Crossley came about during thocoasofiro period ofWC012. With naiions being forced to build lighter tanks undot the stipulations of the coasofiio agreements, the idea of a light scouting tankheod suddenly became enticing to dovolopmeni branches Thus, the S4 Crossloy was bora. It is notable tha, during this much calmer coasefiro period, a few dozen Crossleys were sold to *re \bmochi Dominion early in WCOU, before the troubles in he Darvroesha Archipelago escalated that year. To get around restrictions on exporting combat sehides during wartime, these vehides were sold without any armor or weaponry. The Yamaichi armored and armed hoir Crossleys differently horn the Allionce models in several notable ways, further adding to tho genoid confusion that surrounds his onigmalc tankheod. Tho Crossloy foarurod a dighgrodo log configuration, much like the SpOher Pbnzertopf, but unlike is Kyzerian counterpart, tho Crossloy lacked rebound spring suspension that would havo enabled sprinting Insteod, ¡he Crossloy S designers opted for o more circular pattern of leg movement reminiscent of walking birds This led to tho unit being nicknamed 'Ostrich* during action in tho Akcobon desert theater, where it was used by the Auxiliary Desert Patrol Unit. While never intended as a front line tankheod, the Crossley carried ample smatLcdfoor firepower in fts stock configurator making it suited for raids against unarmored totgets However, its real strength lay in its modular badcpock systom and overall uncomplaining, adaptable design The renowned Auxilary Do sort Patrol Unit, boner known as tho *Dosort Rats,* successfully domonsatzed how this machno could bo odaptod for specidized use by its crew. The Desert Rats became famous for stropping as many guns, fuel, and water containers as possiblo to their Crossleys when crossing the vast deserts of Alcabon. They also showed that rho Crossley s notably doxtrous amts could bo used to wield a I sorts of weapons, including many for which it had not been designed. Most tankheads had trouble balancing while walking if thoy were holding weapons in their hands, but the Crossloy's pecular gait, combined with the counterbalance of its backpock. aioviarod this problem The rapid-firo handheld weapon known as the M3 “Grease Cannon* was a late war oddlfon semi-officioly developed for the Crossley by the Libertarian Army Division. This weapon system would continue to see use in a number of conflicts after the wor. The bockpock mount wasfirst designed to alow for anoptional secondary gunnor position. Even boforo tho Crossley was fuly deployed, however, engineers realized hat the machine hod an adequate load capacity to mount a variety of alternate systems in this postern. Most official modules designed for rho Crossloy were of types one would expect for a light scouting vehicle: oddtional observation orcommunkxtionoquipmont, command positrons, and transport A light mortal wos also experimented with, with mixed results. Field modifications extended these options for carrying additional caigo and for performing simple engineering jobs More famous now ate the offensive modifications that equipped the ohorwise lighty-armod tankhood w*h flamethrowers or rocket launchers In the latter half of the war, awl-ar-wecpons modules were developed to help combat the rising threat of |otheads. The tendency to improvise oddisons or substiufons was mirroied on all fronts whoro tho Crossloy was deployed, both by the Allance os well os the Yamaichi (and even the few capfuied by tho Kyzorians). This focr has lod to groat confusion as to which weapons were developed far Crossley use hrough official channels and which ones were improvised in the field The same con bo sad about its modular backpacks, which were modified in the field just as often, if not more. SPECIFICATIONS COUNTRY: Grand Bntony UNITS BUILT: 3,850 NO OF CREW 4 MAIN ARMAMENT: 2x7.7 mm maohinogun SECONDARY ARMAMENT: 1 x handheld 75 mm tepid-fite cannon 1 x 50 col hoovy mochino gun 0 x emoke grenadec ARMOR 20 mm MAX SPEED: 95 km/h CONTINUED» TAW HEAD 039
TYPE 71 MEDIUM TANK The Type 71 was the fir« medium tank designed by the Yamaichi military. Tho 'fcmachiWarEnginooring Department took inspiration from pre-war A) la nee medium sank» to creole something unique The Typo 71 stemmed from tho relatively peaceful period before the Never war. when the Yamaichi hod not faced serious armored military opposition for some true It was therefore mainly dosgnod la assault ond destroy fortfied poliions and pillboxes in the rare insurrection or outlaw skirmish whore opposing fotcos had taken defensive postions too sroog for infantry » attack on their own A feature that is easy to ovorlook is rho high quality of its armor. Before the Neverwor. most regular tanks were equipped with SPECIFICATIONS COUNTRY: Yamoiohi UNITS BUILT: 808 NO OF CREW 4 MAIN ARMAMENT: 1 x 57 mm gun SECONDARY ARMAMENT: 2 x 0.3 mm machine gun ARMOR: 6-17 mm MAX SPEED: 35 km/h Yamaichi's famous composite armor. In the summer of WC015, when Yamachi finally fulfy committed its forcos to tho Novorwar and intensified their rankheod production, he quality of armor on their regular ranks would noriceably dereriora» there was o shortage of skilled craftsmen to fabricate the armor, due to conscription. When the Type 7I eventually sow combat against weli-oquipped militaries it proved less than effective. Officially, it fulfilled the role of man baitfe tank for the Yomoichi army, bur it» armor and armament logged compared »the anti-rank weaponry it faced on tho battlofieid. Much liko tho old Brionican tanks it was based on, the Type 71 locked swing arm suspension, which was still uncommon and would havo boon a roa|or odvamago on fro archipelago's rough and treacherous terrain On frse other hand, its classic traction system performed well on frse flat tundras of fro easi Kyzorian front The most significant and, in many cases, fatal flaw in fro Type 71 was its engine. While powerful if was prone so fires, a devasrating vulnerability in any rank. Once the become known, rank crews were extmmely wary of the risk, lo the detriment of their performance and morale. Newer production \rariants were dosgnod with ahornative engine types that wore less prone so firos, but none motched the power and speed of rhe original 082 rn YAMAICHI DOMINION TYPE 75 LIGHT TANK Tho first tankhoads in hil uso by tho Yamaichi Dominion woro purchased from other nations, often reirofirted. Ike tie $4 Crossley Thoso rnochinos hod proven rho offociivoooss of to tankhood concept on the field to the Yamaichi. In toir quoit to develop to most advanced and finely-crafted tankheads toy could possibly design, the Domirvon severely hampered tioir production spood Unlike the Britx who fielded multiple quadruped tankheods at the start of the war bocauso toy had not mossorod the bipedal syssom, to Yamaichi were determined to produce a bipedal tanldseod as only they couid Once Tfamachi had |oinod to war on two fronts n WC016. they had littte hope of continuing to purchose foreign tankheads for tor miliary. At tho so mo timo, tho Dominion's convontonal forces hod not been modernized at to same poce as those of the Alksnco or Kyzoria. Wile both tor infantry and field guns woro still offocttro. their armored branch was sorely out of date. Tanks like the Type 71 were designed for a function that did not fit the actual roalky of modem combat Acknowledging this shortcoming in their bottle-readiness and also the foct that the tankheads that they hod pot all tor hopos on would not be ready in »mo for tho conflict at their doorstep, Yamaichi Command mandated the development of o modem light tank that could keep up with and support to mfartry. Orders statod that the tank must be ready in less than haH a yeor-an ambitious deadline but one for which Command authorized to development team so appropriate whatever resources toy requited Tho onginoors assignod to this pro|oct woro considered, at the least, eccentric and were often shunned for their methods Starting with a half-built Typo 71 tank fromo, rhoy had their first prototypo on the range in two weeks. Ruthlessly stripping any part rhoy doomed inadequate ard replacing k wiih whosever they could get their hands on, rho Type 75 look shapo quickly Tho most unconventional part of hs design was its turret mechanism, which was odapted from a prototypo tankheads nock assembly. Th«s meant that rho Type 75 would not have a full 360° rotation, but its gun hod faster, smoother tracking than tot of any other tank of the time. The mam weapon was intondod to bo a 47 mm gyro|at cannon, but this was eventually dropped and replaced with a lighter 37 mm gyrojet cannon from to Type 2 Todakatsu pro»typo. Tho Typo 75 tank saw its final trials a lirtie over 3 months ofiet development commenced, a rocotd yetto bo surpassed in military development. The machine cut comers at every turn and had been buit wiih repurposed pans fro m every branch of the Doim nion nu Itary mochine, but it worked. In the field, to Type 75 performed to specifications. If only just Its weapon I ackod punchond hoda low raso of fire. While capablo of dosroying light enemy vehicle*, the Type 75 could only harass heavier tanks and tankheads. Even so, the crews of tose tanks wore olated to lako to tho field in a vmodom' vohiclo. Thoir craws' fanotidsm. combined with their numbers, would make to Type 75s a nuisance to tor enemies Dominion infantry also appreciated to new light tank, os it was well suited to saoring extra gear during long inarches and to Type 75 crews could always be counted on to distract enemy vehicles, taking onomy fire the* would othorwise have devastated infanry. SPECIFICATIONS COUNTRY: Yamaichi UNITS BUILT: 2.021 NO OF CREW: 3 MAIN ARMAMENT: 1 x 37 mm gun SECONDARY ARMAMENT: 1 x 7.7 mm maohino gun 8 x smoke grenade launcherc ARMOR 0-27 mm MAX SPEED: 38 kmfh TAfKHEAD 083
PANZERBUTZECHSE II AUSF. E 88 # GREATER KYZERIAN EMPIRE SPECIFICATIONS COUNTRY New Kyzerie UNITS BUILT: 4 NO. OF CREW: 5 MAIN ARMAMENT 2 x lortg-raoge voltaio cartrvons SECONDARY ARMAMENT: 1 x voltaic cannon 2 x short barreled 75 mm guns 6 x smoko g renodes ARMOR: 10-110 mm MAX SPEED 55 km/h The firs» Panzer blitzoscho proved on effective terror weapon dunng raids but Is shambling gait greatly hampered ■ts mobility. Rumored to have bean inspired by paleontological discoveries made during the war, clever linkage syitemi allowed the tail to act as a counterbalance. Combinod with the much more focused and longer-ranged energy weapons, the Mark II was capable of more <Jreefed attockson hardened military targets but, like most experimental weapons, only hod a limited impact on the war. TAFKHEAD
When rhe lumpe line mb further fortified by the Ailanco during iho ceasefire period, tho Kyzerians speculated on what son of g un ir wo ukJ lake to penetrate tho tremendously thick concrete and stool armor of Its fortresses The requirements they arrived ar were large enough to likely have desuaded nosr development teams Tho Kyzertan engineers were Kyzertan engineers, though and they developed this idea to the point that rests, at least, were feasible. The cannon alone was too heavy to construct under ite terms of to ceasefire treaty, which limited tho weight of military materiel produced Even were they cble to assemble such a weapon, gelling it to to fronr would srtll bo a monumonfal ochiovomont. The already gigantic K5 Krupp 280 mm railroad gun was in full development and that style of railroad cradle seemed the only possible way to move to new gun, which its developers bod named rhe Gustav. * GREATER KYZERIAN EMPIRE SCHWERER GUSTAV SPECIFICATIONS COUNTRY: New Kyzena UNITS BUILT 5 NO. OF CREW: 250 gun orew * 2000 rail orew MAIN ARMAMENT 1x800 mm gun SECONDARY ARMAMENT: 8 x 37 mm guno ARMOR: 8-30 mm MAX SPEED 25 km/h Thai eiighi have been the end for the design, hod the war not starred up again in iho spnng of WC015. By this point, VtSmond and Vafinde had token a solid hold of the entiro Kyzeron Empire, and they were not ones to shy away from ambitious projects. When they discovered the designs for the unrealized giantcannon, they demanded that the design be made ready for production, revised and updated with tho most modorn ronkhead technology. Only two years later, in WC017, the first reol functional prototype materialized, at about the same time Grand Brriony launched their walking banleship, the Dtoadnoughr Next to that ttan of steel, the Gustav gun, ultimately a giant gun on legs, seems for less ambitous than was onco thought. Yot shiphoads have tho advantage of being able to rely on displacement buoyancy to support their colossal frames, and are unable to operate out of wcnor for long before their joints buckle under rheir own masst/e weight The Gustav, by companson, required four coumer-joinred leg assemblies. This mado it vary slow when moving undor its own power, bui did allow for reasonably fast aiming, wihout the aid of specialized tracks os in tho original design. ImprvbabU events anti thoughts lead to big things, and few were bigger than the Schwerer Gustav. Whereas the Krupp only needed one roikrood track to transport It, rhough, the Gustav gun would be so iorgo and heavy that only double carriages on specifically-spoced twin tracks could support it. And s»ll, ovon thon, more specialized nock intersections would be needed to aim rha gun in ony loteral direction Such a weapon would have requited over a ihousand crew, ar.d would hove constituted o diverting of *me and resources that was considered unreasonable at the time. Hence, the project was scrapped. For long-distance travel, the Schwerer Gustav would fold up Into its rail mode, an operation ihat required o number of hours. The joints in the legs also allowed for adjustments to the exact width of tho bogies, moaning that the machine could operato on tracks anywhere in the world, despise the lock of universaI standardization These adjustments also requred hours of hard work supported by heavy craneheod engineering vehicles, which traveled on the tracks along with the Gustav. The Gustav was the largest solid-project le-firing weapon built during the Never war No naval or even permanently-emplaced weapon comes close ro Its bore, longyh, or weight Once it was able to utilize tankheod mobility, it became practical enough for Kyzorio to initiate tho production of multiple Gustavs. At loost five models were fully operational with another three or four under construe ton by rho unexpected end of tho war. Tho fivo that woro completed participated in almost all large protracted sieges, both agamsf the Britonlca Alliance and the Tbmaishi Dominion The siege of Grigomos saw three Gustav shell #se mighty city at the same time, ecwfy the greatest concentration ol firepower in history. TAFKHEAD 205
 TrtFtïTTïJTü iart by: Ryan Barry ^Qmonkcys :ors by: Emerson Tung EMERSONTUNG.COM 1J
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Сумрачный японский гений...
Das ich Das ich 11.12.202311:00 ответить ссылка 1.6
Не только японский. Мне вон англиская робокурица с яйцами больше понравилась.
Интересно вдохновлялся ли автор Cannon Fodder Катсухиро Отомо, или просто милитаризьм.
Sondfer Sondfer 11.12.202311:24 ответить ссылка 4.3
О, человек культуры.
ov.ser ov.ser 11.12.202311:48 ответить ссылка 8.1
Тоже подумал про башни-пушки
А вот и вдохновлялки для metal slug подъехали. Не, ну рили похожи некоторые танко-кадавры.
vlad0302 vlad0302 11.12.202311:51 ответить ссылка -0.1
Интересно, как ребята с первой картинки заряжают эти огромные магазины для пушек
- Неужели ваша вера в Императора иссякла?
- Никак нет! Dakka-dakka-dakka-dakka!!
*в Горка-Морка
Третья пикча напомнила:
J? J	y' 4
II* tu/1	
	■ 1 il		F/7!
julegg julegg 11.12.202312:12 ответить ссылка 3.1
Зачем ему запасные катки?
Это трофеи. Ну как индейцы скальпы собирали, ожерелья из зубов, а тут катки!
лучше бы корабль как трусы бы одел
Есть художники? Я первое о чём подумал: "Сколько это рисовали!!!?"
Usra Usra 13.12.202322:39 ответить ссылка 0.0
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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