Забавен срачик сверху "Boston Globe врёт - нет, это же крупная американская газета!"
Заходим сюда: http://archive.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/oped_explained/
И читаем: Op-Eds (literally, opposite the editorial page) represent the views of individual columnists or writers. Unlike the editorial page, this page is designed to present a broad array of views from Globe staff columnists and members of Greater Boston. The Globe's five columnists are not members of the editorial board and function independently. Marjorie Pritchard is editor of this page and receives hundreds of unsolicited manuscripts a week.
То есть это просто блог, если не оправдываешь Холокост и не грозишься убить Президента - пиши, что хочешь.
The military exercise, which started on September 29th, is an important training event for armoured fighting vehicle and tank crews and is designed to enhance direct-fire gunnery, tactical driving and teamwork skills.
Exercise WORTHINGTON CHALLENGE is an opportunity for Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV) and tank crews across the Canadian and American Army to bring together the knowledge and skills they have acquired and demonstrate our readiness to meet the complexity of changing international challenges, and support partners and allies around the world.
Интересно, а учения отдельных стран, входящих в НАТО, учитывали? Например, с 29 сентября по 4 октября 2014 года Канада проводила военные учения Worthington Challenge, но что-то я их не вижу на графике.
Заходим сюда: http://archive.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/oped_explained/
И читаем: Op-Eds (literally, opposite the editorial page) represent the views of individual columnists or writers. Unlike the editorial page, this page is designed to present a broad array of views from Globe staff columnists and members of Greater Boston. The Globe's five columnists are not members of the editorial board and function independently. Marjorie Pritchard is editor of this page and receives hundreds of unsolicited manuscripts a week.
То есть это просто блог, если не оправдываешь Холокост и не грозишься убить Президента - пиши, что хочешь.
Exercise WORTHINGTON CHALLENGE is an opportunity for Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV) and tank crews across the Canadian and American Army to bring together the knowledge and skills they have acquired and demonstrate our readiness to meet the complexity of changing international challenges, and support partners and allies around the world.