Финляндия сегодня получила статус ассоциации с НАТО.
Таким образом общая граница РФ и НАТО увеличилась с 1215 км до 2555 км, цель непродвижения Альянса на восток полностью достигнута, а жители Санкт-Петербурга могут спать спокойно.
instrument of accession WHEREAS the North Atlantic Treaty was done at Washington on 4 April 1949, WHEREAS Article 10 of the said Treaty states that the Parlies may, by unanimous agreement, in any other European State in a position to further the principles of the said Treaty and to contribute the security of the North Atlantic area to accede to the said Treaty, and that any State so invited may become a Party to the Treaty by depositing its instrument of accession with the Government of the United States of America; '■ ** HAAV.STO u- • ez::rrr°£"*:r * *- ■*-* ' ^ AM 2023
политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы,Финляндия,Suomi, Finland,страны,НАТО,North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, OTAN
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