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песочница политоты Вторжение в Украину политические координаты удалённое ...политика 

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RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR COMPASS Bayraktar TtJRKIYE -Trusted only by foolish russians -Most obvious ^ propaganda It, -Spread lots Wk of hat« ama to kill nazis, it acts like a nazi ■Doesn’t need weapons -Gets people ut of blockages, es and other shit Cooks -Used to eook at a cafe, now do it
RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR COMPASS Bayraktar TtJRKIYE -Trusted only by foolish russians -Most obvious ^ propaganda It, -Spread lots Wk of hat« ama to kill nazis, it acts like a nazi ■Doesn’t need weapons -Gets people ut of blockages, es and other shit Cooks -Used to eook at a cafe, now do it for \ the army -Never thought cooking simple diriici brings so much pleasure '-Dying is better, than living under ruinan control •Came to defend Europe from the horde -Hu own beliefs, which made him join Protesters Unionist Oh boy, USSR ii coming back Va iL'ä Russian separatists -Have been used by Tusslanx Authoritarian Kadvrov soldiers 2 -Turned Donetsk into a shithole -Average bandit lyn -Leader promised to murder children and women literaly tThc unbased chcdben ■Feared by allied russians -Russia, Belarus ^ and Ukraine sre^ brother nations Russian media -Sometimes create most absurd shit ever Vagner PMO -Use nazi symbolic -Have been used in Syria and Africa before Killing people for money enjoyeri -Private rassian lap dogs army 4 m f ' 1È 1 - flK - № Angry leftists -Ukrainians ire naria!!! Contract rassian -Killing; machine The fooled -You waited for 8 years! -Overthrow Kyiv junta I -Russians don’t I touch civilians SjfekJ \ / -Ukraine planned * A* to attack Russia -Rubsi ana are opc eased ! Russian conscript -Nobody gonna miss him -Has shattiest gear possible Azov regiment -The most controversia] military unit jh -Still one of the r—mostprofessional -Pure reuon Mariupol stands Nationalists -Yeah, these guys exist -Hated Russia before it was mainstream -Fairly mpopular -Helped ^/~ georgiana and L (bechcni be for i Rescuer -Absolute chad, who saves people even under bullets -Try to pull this shit aaainst CCP -Lies, that he didn’t know where he headed -Retranslates rassian propaganda Very young X^-Vfill become y fertilizer sooner or later -Average interact warrior -Doesn’t even know why he’s here Press Medics Will treat your wounds and do their best to help you -Still u*« J. —X ambulances, even under shellings -Come from a lot of different places •Show real destruction caused by the war -Who would attack them? Wait.. -Sometimes get shot in crossfire Activists Farmer He is coming far your tank Civil volunteers -Organises volunteers IX Helps in a way they can _______ provisions to \ \ ! \ Y\ the military Ml - protesten to g ■it, them togethe -Core of file civil resistance CBb . dh — % ~ -Help people to evacuate Brew molotovs Animal saver I'll get you out my litde friends! Refugees Ihauk you for letting me stay... Everything will he alright 2014 veterans -Uunkfdly to him, Ukraine exists -Risked his life before and will do it again - fLw *Has enough experience to lack back those ZSU soldiers -Tired of the war, but be has to do it -Wife and Idds await for his return -Will be \ c - J praised as i V -—^ hero by his ~vs_____rifr nation Governors -At times of war have a full control oyer their region -Act based and encourage their people -Got a lot of popularity since war start ■ National guard & police -Sab outers, i and air-bornes fear them Civilians -Suffer each day of war -Can lose everything because of Russia -Just want to live in their country -Scared for their lifee International legion -Based military volunteers Territorial defence -Common people defending their homes -Everyone can join... everyone -Try passing a roadblock with rassian passport Arms givers -Here is a lot of weapons. Have fun! -Who needs rpgs, when you have javelins! -We’re not closing your sky, but here are some air defence systems Diaspora -Frobdbly huts somebody living in Ukraine Helps with money -Browses situation each day and worries a lot Marauders -Thinks of profit» but will get his ass beaten Free oeiarus SOldier -Fijhta H freedom of his own state and Ukraine -Knows many will hate him from both rides -Ready to figh fow own ideals Partisans *san étions* -Hated by everybody even by himself Jïï WP?0** When peaceful protests don’t work rls ready to burn down rus si ans -Don’t need any ruler» especially from Raina Border guards -Fuck off -Don’t tread on le island (/ Libertarian
политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы,песочница политоты,Вторжение в Украину,политические координаты,удалённое
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Вторжение в Украину 2022 политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы песочница политоты

 /У#, * Андрей Ставницер Зч. 0 Дано: ты смотришь в веб-камеру своего дома, а там во дворе русские военные разворачивают 12 единиц боевой техники, включая РСЗО, Торнадо-Г и грады. Твой дом построен так, что работает как идеальное укрытие, откуда очень удобно шмалять по Киеву. Зачем они и приех