Authoritarian Jean-Luc Godard >Openly Maoist at nvw >One of his most J \ prolific actresses yy / песочница политоты :: политические координаты :: политика (политические новости, шутки и мемы)

песочница политоты политические координаты ...политика 
Jean-Luc Godard >Openly Maoist at nvw >One of his most J \ prolific actresses yy-Jiwas targetd by COINTELPRO	Stanley Kubrick >Directed Spartacus despite it being written by a ^^^^blacklisted Hollywood Я \ communist fl > yTl • ] >Massive control freak (just ask Л/шАк) Shelley
Authoritarian Jean-Luc Godard >Openly Maoist at nvw >One of his most J \ prolific actresses yy-Jiwas targetd by COINTELPRO Stanley Kubrick >Directed Spartacus despite it being written by a ^^^^blacklisted Hollywood Я \ communist fl > yTl • ] >Massive control freak (just ask Л/шАк) Shelley Duvall!) Disney »On here because the studio directs their films more than any director »Constantly tries to shill for China every ^\ other time B ~Lx-\ »Has dictatoral ^^^,/control over a third of the media industry Leni Riefenstahl >A pioneer in filmmaking by ^^P|WWcompass whose ^JB^^pJ^pontributed to Zack Snyder »Actually liberal, everyone just thinks he's up here because he really likes adapting Frank ^am^ Miner WS »"Some Christian v« ) imagery in my /^■£§9 superhero movie? Don't mind if 1 do!" Mel Gibson »Loves: Jesus i^^^^^iates: [deleted] Boots Riley >Made a movie that feels written by left Pier Paolo Pasolini >l’m GAY and 1 PISS and SHIT all ^ over the place. Oliver Stone »Closest thing mainstream Hollywood has to a tankie V /^i'W^angs out with X Stev©n Seagal Kathryn Bigelow »Directed some of the definitive filmsofAmerica’s wars in the Middle East ^ jT »Took James Cameron's 2008 Picture Oscar f\. B in the divorce Michael Bay »Gets his checks directly from the Assistant to the Up ->¿4, a Secretary of Um ^ 3, Defense for ^ **" \ f Public Affairs >A true Auteur™ Akira Kurosawa »Faithfully recreated the darkest aspects of Japan's medieval past f- - -A »Influenced ■Ly-^r-r'r massive amounts of yl ^ v* j American culture ) N. / through inspiring V7X2\f~ ^tar ^ars and ^ 'l Several westerns Andrei Tarkovsky >Most well-known Soviet filmmaker >Left the USSR because ^^^^he thought aethism was >Movies require at Tit ran.J ,easl one de9ree in \ v- mkf philosophy to fully understand Spike Lee >Coolest boomer of all time >Flipped the ' _ _ . . rules of cinema on their head but jonly has two Oscars Aaron Sorkin »Final boss of smug liberalism »Ends his screenplays with "and then Br they all clapped" y p'^l >MLK yj warned us .eggHlyx about him Steven Spielberg »Your dad's (¡Bar favorite director W f ~S >‘Nuff said Robert Zemeckis »Voice of the Boomer generation jSl -—*) /-fl »Master of innovative H special effects | V yet still can't use I / ^qjh t0 cove,- up his hair condition Christopher Nolan »Directs his films like they’re m ^ luxury watch commercials -y »Gets bricked ) up at the i JH mention of Tony Ava DuVernay >Taught an entire generation about the prison-industrial complex >Took Disney’s Mr~ Jordan Peele >Went from comedy central social media darling to woke messiah of the horror genre »Unintentionally ^^^HBspawned a genre of black trauma \ \ c yT movies »Knows Obama's 7 L/i last name Greta Gerwig >Tfw Noah Baumbach had to write Madagascar 3 to pay for his divorce so he could go out with ML ST<'/ V »Tlmothee Chalamet and A Saorise Ronan B think she's their ^^B mom Robert Rodriguez »Just wants to direct fun kids* movies or ultra violent exploitation films with nothing in between | Vrt» / >8051 bros with Tarantino Quentin Tarantino »snniiifff... oh yes my dear.... ssnnnniiiifff... quite pungent Jr ^ indeed... is that ™ S’ 3c P ....dare 1 say... J \ j ...sssnniff... feet 1 V v ’ / smell? Ron Howard »Made Hillbilly elegy »Most Arrested Development Wv characters \ I " S) wou,d be in this ] \ 'xzr / quadrant Guillermo del Toro >Got best picture for a movie ^directly marketed to fumes villain of his is ^Jjjlj^^^^^Kredibly hard to Barry Jenkins »Throws 90% of the budget on j^B^f^^color grading just / —Д to show off \ Л0/Уу\ >Can easily win a 1 V / contest with anyone David Lynch »Master of the weird eccentricities that define America »Makes movies you'll love despite not understanding / anything yjrt >"Hmmmm... 1 ># wonder what the v>_ , r weather is today..." Tyler Perry »Became a billionaire by constantly grinding out shitty comedies that reinforce negative 'i stereotypes »Has Disney and __ti the Royal Family on speed dial George Lucas »Channeled his childlike imagination into making one of the most successful franchises of all time »Covers his ears with $4 billion of Disney money whenever he hears a V J7 fan screamin9 about the sequel trilogy Peter Berg »Jumps on any horseshit action film he can get his hands on »Puts “based on a true story" at the beginning of each his 1 j \ movies just to be safe 1 >Sold his soul t0 Mark Wahlberg of all people Bong Joon-Ho >Hates capitalism >Loves animal rights <3 >Gaslit Harvey John Waters »Made one of the most depraved movies of all time >Considered a ^ v ^-^4 queer icon ул partially \(v - ( because of Hayao Miyazaki »"Anime was a mistake. And so was my son." »Would probably like Vv/ ®on lver ^ he / were younger Alejandro Jodorowsky »Requires all his actors to undergo Batman-level / \ training Nicolas Winding Refn »Unintentionally invented the doomer meme ^»Bros with Hideo Kojima Clint Eastwood »American icon but criticizes it on a pretty regular basis pf »Obsessed W with exotic \ i YS / furniture Weinstein mm 4 (..-rfgJTnJ this J КжШтУ »Best dressed J-—person on this ^A /А fNBii compass »Haunted by r^2n37, »Real Human ) XxX1 Bean I F7j Frank Herbert's i restless spirit Libertarian
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В Брянской области депутата арестовали по подозрению в педофилии
* 142	У 73S	чс	2
Суд в Брянской области арестовал депутата, которым подозревается в половой связи с девочкой, не достигшей 14-летнего возраста.

политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы песочница политоты политические координаты

Authoritarian A В Брянской области депутата арестовали по подозрению в педофилии * 142 У 73S чс 2 Суд в Брянской области арестовал депутата, которым подозревается в половой связи с девочкой, не достигшей 14-летнего возраста. ¥ Libertarian

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политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы песочница политоты политические координаты

Марксисты Либертарианцы через 0,03 через 0,03 секунды после секунды после достижения достижения власти власти Марксисты Либертарианцы
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политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы песочница политоты политические координаты

мяса нет Ели мясо праваки Левых угнетали Равноправия они Совсем не принимали Authoritarian Я узнал недавно Все вы как нё страйнб Слово хриплым голосом держал нацист Славу предков растоптали В тайне от меня И поэтому всех вас собрал сегодня Есопопгнс- ЬеЛ Ели мясо леваки Пивом запивали Уг