Очень интересное решение Евросоюза от 10 марта. Субъектам рф – читать внимательно!
Если правительства республик отмежуются от действий правительства рф по отношению к Украине, то это может стать основанием для облегчения или снятия санкций.
Если правительства республик отмежуются от действий правительства рф по отношению к Украине, то это может стать основанием для облегчения или снятия санкций.
2 fop Journal of the European Union 10.3.2022 decision COUNCIL DECISION 2022/399 from 10 March 2022 COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION. Taking into accounl the Convention of the European Union and. in particular, its Article 29. Taking into account the proposal of the State Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. Taking into account that: (]) 17 March 2014. The Council adopted Decision 2014/145/CFSP (1). (2) Ihe European Union remains unwavering in its support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. (3) On February 24,2022, the President of the Russian Federation announced a military operation in Ukraine, and Russian armed forces launched an attack on Ukraine. This attack is a blatant violation of Ukraine's territorial intgrity, sovereignty, and independence. (4) On February 24, 2022, the High Representative issued a statement on behalf of the European Union condemning in the strongest terms the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by the armed forces of the Russian Federation and the involvement of Belarus in this aggression against Ukraine. The State Representative indicated that the European Union's response would include both sectoral and individual restrictive measures. (5) Taking into account that the entire population of the Russian Federation suffers from the restrictive measures taken and all subjects of the Russian Federation which were previously subordinate to other countries and/or had independent national self-determination, we see for a possible appeal to the heads of the subjects of the Russian Federation, subject to separation from the Russian government, to consider removing and/or easing restrictive measures from certain subjects of the Russian Federation which have left its subordination. (6) Therefore, Decision 2014/145/CFSP should be amended accordingly. HAS ADOPTED THIS DECISION: Article 1 The Annex to Decision 2014/145/CFSP is amended in accordance with the Annex to this Decision. Article 2 This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official lournal of the European Union. Done at Brussels, 10 March 2022. For the Council The President J.-Y. LE DRIAN
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Еще на тему
Твой ответ: да, приведёт. Если все восстанут. Но, исключительно в случае с «если»
если "если" - то нет, не приведет, потому что будут бороться с центральной власти
но сам центр (москва, питер) при этом и самый протестный
это больше сообщение к областным царькам (татарстан, чечня итд), возможность остаться у своей небольшой кормушки
2) Решение 2022/399 было принято 9 марта, касается Беларуси и не имеет отношения к РФ.