Пруф: https://tvzvezda.ru/news/vstrane_i_mire/content/201709041043-zrpc.htm
Захарова назвала фейком сообщения об отказе РФ
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W NATIONS MEETINGS COVERAGE AND PRESS RELEASES HOME SECRETARY-GENERAL ~ GENERAL ASSEMBLY - SECURITY COUNCIL - ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PRESS RELEASE SECURITY COUNCIL SC/8939 12 JANUARY 2007 SECURITY COUNCIL FAILS TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION ON MYANMAR, OWING TO NEGATIVE VOTES BY CHINA, RUSSIAN FEDERATION 5619th Meeting (PM) Vote is 9 in Favour to 3 Against, with 3 Abstentions The Security Council this afternoon failed to adopt a draft resolution on the situation in Myanmar -- owing to vetoes by China and the Russian Federation -• by which it would have called on Myanmar's Government to cease military attacks against civilians in ethnic minority regions and begin a substantive political dialogue that would lead to a genuine democratic transition.
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