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Donald Trump, Pepe the frog, and white supremacists: an explainer
That cartoon frog is more sinister than you might realize.
September 12.2016 by Elizabeth Chan,политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы,клинтон,трамп,Pepe the Frog

A | hillaryclinton.com §	>ost/donald-trump-pepe-the-frog-and-white-supremacists-an-explainer/
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About Act Issues	Shop More ’ En Espanol
This raised some important questions.
Why is there a frog standing directly behind Trump?
That’s Pepe. He’s a symbol associated

н About Act Issues Shop More - En Espanol Donald Trump, Pepe the frog, and white supremacists: an explainer That cartoon frog is more sinister than you might realize. September 12.2016 by Elizabeth Chan
A | hillaryclinton.com § >ost/donald-trump-pepe-the-frog-and-white-supremacists-an-explainer/ add your bookmarks to this bar About Act Issues Shop More ’ En Espanol This raised some important questions. Why is there a frog standing directly behind Trump? That’s Pepe. He’s a symbol associated with white supremacy. Wait. Really? White supremacy? That’s right. Please explain. Here’s the short version: Pepe is a cartoon frog who began his internet life as an innocent meme enjoyed by teenagers and pop stars alike. But in recent months, Pepe’s been almost entirely co-opted by the white supremacists who call themselves the “alt-right.” They've decided to take back Pepe by adding swastikas and other symbols of anti-semitism and white supremacy. “We basically mixed Pepe in with Nazi propaganda, etc. We built that association,” one prominent white supremacist told the Daily Beast. Trump has retweeted his white supremacist supporters with regularity, but the connection between the alt-right and his campaign continues to strengthen. Trump has been slow to disavow support from Ku Klux Klansmen and white supremacy groups, and he recently hired Breitbart.com’s Steve Bannon as his campaign CEO (and Bannon isn’t shy about the fact that his “news” organization is the “platform for the alt-right”). Now white supremacists have given Pepe the cartoon frog some Trump hair—and the candidate’s own son says he is “honored to be grouped with” him. Let me get this straight: Trump's presidential campaign is posting memes associated with white supremacy online? Yes.
политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы,клинтон,трамп,Pepe the Frog
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SJW совсем с катушек слетели? Кого я спрашиваю, конечно же слетели, давно уже.
TMNJ TMNJ 13.09.201621:24 ответить ссылка 0.4
Сайт пиарщиков Клинтонши скопировал к себе стёбную статейку из интернета про Трумпа.
И что? В чём сенсация?
paravozik paravozik 13.09.201621:50 ответить ссылка -1.9
Берега попутали.
Dolian Dolian 13.09.201621:54 ответить ссылка 0.3
Представь если на сайте Зюганова/КПРФ(если есть такой) появится статья о мемасах с Медведевым. Т.е. в ход идёт любая артиллерия.
Заебись. Трамп не обсуждает болезнь Хиллари, ее предвыборный штаб подумал, что это проявление слабости и решил "поднасрать" Дональду, но этим лишь низложил Клинтон.
Krong Krong 14.09.201609:32 ответить ссылка -2.2
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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>invade Afghanistan
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into it
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