How third party sees Ukraine Crisis ...
This is where we are. It is just as poignant today. The US and EU media are lying to us. The entire Ukrainian Crisis is manufactured by the US and EU. We are all victims of blatant propaganda, lies and media-goverment deception. Think. Nothing in Ukraine matches the western media narrative. None of the video coming out of the war backs up their put forth narrative and assertions.Adversely, the video emerging from the war zone perfectly matches Russias version of events. People who think otherwise are either completely duped and are simply cattle with no minds of their own or they are intentionally lying to themselves and others. Either way, those people are a lost cause, and unbeknownst to themselves, are already living in a version of a self imposed hell on earth. Ignorance and complicity equates to a lack of consciousness and achieving true consciousness should be every human beings goal during their time on Earth. Putin is the Goldstein that "they" (your true enemy) has manufactured for you. Wake up and achieve your own true potential. Turn off your TV and think deeper about what is really going on.
Subtitles for the video
Путин - хуйло!
Смерть Врагам!
Слава Украине!
День Незалежності України!
Москаляку на гилляку!
Комуняку - на гілляку!
Москалів — на ножі, комуняку — на гілляку!
Goldstein Two Minute Hate Ritual,Education,,In George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Two Minutes' Hate is a daily period in which Party members of the society of Oceania must watch a film depicting the Party's enemies (notably Emmanuel Goldstein and his followers) and express their hatred for them.
песочница политоты,политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы,песочница
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