Я многое понял сегодня В Украине всё плоха но всё ровно В России хуже при этом Украинцы ничего кроме сеять ненависть не делают .\
Укры обвиняют Русских в фашизме а тут 2 хохла раз 100 сказали хачи ...вот так вот
Все говно вокруг одни Укры пушистые ......
Украинцы невежественные лицемеры ..... дай бог вас никогда в ЕС не пустят.

Спасибо аватару за видео
Europe is moving forward breaking walls of hate and stereotype ....while Ukrainians degrade to primitive fascism of isolation ....while hating every one with different POV..
Also they tried to isolate them self with European money )))... Retarded country with retarded people
From your dumb picture I guess you can't read Russian ? What there is not clear and how the fuck it is related with territory that was once Basarabian or today Moldavian ?
Ukrainians you are completely retarded ?
Yep just like retarded USA that build fence with Mexica wile paying to cheap Mexicans to build it?
Or Like American corporation having fabrics in Mexica because labor force there cost 40 cents?
Hypocrisy is the claim or pretense of holding beliefs, feelings, standards, qualities, opinions, behaviors, virtues, motivations, or other characteristics that one does not actually hold. Hypocrisy is not simply failing to practice those virtues that one preaches.

Ignorance The word ignorant is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware and is often used as an insult to describe individuals who deliberately ignore or disregard important information or facts.

Tow main words that define Ukrainians : Hypocrisy , Ignorance .
Country of dumb rednecks that accessed Internet and proclaimed them self more important than any other culture or nationality ... Russia is bad Moldavians bad and labor workers oh wait just like any other Ukrainian Or Russian in Europe )))...
That why you are hypocrites .... dumb lying fucks .....
You damn idiots don't even know history of your own country .... you don't even know that after fall of USSR some territory that was Basarabian was left in Ukraine ....thankfully to USSR that you hate so much... you should be thankful to USSR for giving you so many free territories....
I guess it's useless to call out or reach for Ukrainian rational or critique thinking ....
your heads are to thick and brains dangerously smooth....
You grow and live only with hate for other ... you don't see anything except hate ....
those who try to approach you with different point of view are instantly enemies .....isn't this nationalism ?
I will surprise you but this is more than nationalism this is becoming fascism were every one with different pov is shut down ... by you arrogance and ignorance ....
я всё сказал уроды вы Украинцы блядь...