Обама едишн: Offer Mehmed IV: I, the sultan and the prince of the Sublime Porte, the son of Ibrahim I, the brother of the sun and moon, the grandson and viceroy of God on earth, the lord of the kingdoms of Macedonia, Babylon, Jerusalem, the Great and Lesser Egypt, the king of kings, lord of lords, the peerless knight, nobody pobedimy warrior lord of the tree of life, constant guardian tomb of Jesus Christ, the trustee of God, hope and comforter Muslims intimidators and a great defender of the Christians, commanded you, Zaporozhye Cossacks, give me voluntarily and without any resistance, and I do not make your attacks to worry about.
Turkish Sultan Mehmed IV.
Option letters Zaporozhye Cossacks to the Sultan: Translation letters in the modern Russian language
Answer Zaporozhtsev Mohammed IV
Zaporizhzhya Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!
You, the sultan, turkish devil and damned devil's brother and friend, the Secretary of Lucifer. What the hell knight when bare ass hedgehog not kill. Damn vysiraet, and your army eats. Do not be you, you son of a bitch, the sons of a Christian is to have your troops, we are not afraid, the earth and the water will fight with you, your mother rasproёb.
Babylon you cook, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, Alexandria Kozolup, Greater and Lesser Egypt, the swineherd, the Armenian thief, Tatar Sagaidak, Kamenetskii executioner, all light and illumination fool grandson of the asp, and our dick hook. Pig you muzzle Kobylina asshole, Myasnitskaya dog, not baptized forehead fucking fucked.
That's how you answer the Cossacks, shabby. Thou shalt not even Christians pigs graze. This comes, because the numbers do not know and do not have a calendar, a month in the sky, in the book of the year and a day for us, and how you, for that kiss ass us!
Signed: ataman Ivan Sirko with the whole camp Zaporozhye.
Не хочу тебя расстраивать, но то что они сами его пекут уже хреново. Больше года проработал в полуподвальной пекарне и это пиздец конкретный. Лично я мыл руки после каждого процесса, но вот остальные на это просто забивали. Выходили курить, отлить или просто яйца кто-либо почесал - абсолютно пофиг. Что-то упало - подняли и в коробку на отправку. Мука не лучшего качества, иногда с чем-то непонятным. Так что ко всему, что выпекают руками я даже не подхожу. Лучше переплатить, но не кушать выпечку с привкусом чужих яиц.
Вот именно, что год. Как бы за этот год цены на хлеб и подскочили. У нас летом можно было батон купить за ~12 рублей. Сейчас зима и хлеб дороже.
И запомни слово "их" и забудь слово "ихний".
Offer Mehmed IV:
I, the sultan and the prince of the Sublime Porte, the son of Ibrahim I, the brother of the sun and moon, the grandson and viceroy of God on earth, the lord of the kingdoms of Macedonia, Babylon, Jerusalem, the Great and Lesser Egypt, the king of kings, lord of lords, the peerless knight, nobody pobedimy warrior lord of the tree of life, constant guardian tomb of Jesus Christ, the trustee of God, hope and comforter Muslims intimidators and a great defender of the Christians, commanded you, Zaporozhye Cossacks, give me voluntarily and without any resistance, and I do not make your attacks to worry about.
Turkish Sultan Mehmed IV.
Option letters Zaporozhye Cossacks to the Sultan:
Translation letters in the modern Russian language
Answer Zaporozhtsev Mohammed IV
Zaporizhzhya Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!
You, the sultan, turkish devil and damned devil's brother and friend, the Secretary of Lucifer. What the hell knight when bare ass hedgehog not kill. Damn vysiraet, and your army eats. Do not be you, you son of a bitch, the sons of a Christian is to have your troops, we are not afraid, the earth and the water will fight with you, your mother rasproёb.
Babylon you cook, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, Alexandria Kozolup, Greater and Lesser Egypt, the swineherd, the Armenian thief, Tatar Sagaidak, Kamenetskii executioner, all light and illumination fool grandson of the asp, and our dick hook. Pig you muzzle Kobylina asshole, Myasnitskaya dog, not baptized forehead fucking fucked.
That's how you answer the Cossacks, shabby. Thou shalt not even Christians pigs graze. This comes, because the numbers do not know and do not have a calendar, a month in the sky, in the book of the year and a day for us, and how you, for that kiss ass us!
Signed: ataman Ivan Sirko with the whole camp Zaporozhye.
И запомни слово "их" и забудь слово "ихний".
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