Кококо и диванная психология
Some say that Andrew
Garfield was the best Some say it’s Tom spider man	Holland
But deep down we all know that
We are the last generation of humanity to be born under better conditions than the previous as right wing populism and the coming global climate holocaust will make the earth a living
Ага ага
Some say that Andrew
Garfield was the best Some say it’s Tom spider man	Holland
But deep down we all know that
We are the last generation of humanity to be born under better conditions than the previous as right wing populism and the coming global climate holocaust will make the earth a living
Воины невольного целибата и злость - назовите более эпичное комбо.
Philosopher Slavoj Zizek Praises Greta Thunberg: Her 'Message Is Simply Take Science Seriously’
Slovenian philosopher, author, and political commentator Slavoj Zizek praised 16-year-o...
□ Mediaite • 2 hr ago	•	•
Between the twelve of them, these women had 775 confirmed nazi kills.
>Люди с функционирующим мозгом

Значит Альберт Эйнштейн оказался идиотом и Орвелл и Бертран Рассел...
Если ты реально думаешь, что это так работает - ты просто тупой, я серьезно.
Normie Americans
"Международная политика"
List of countries by proven oil reserves
Proven reserves (millions of barrels)	U.S. EIA (start of 2017)P]		OPEC (end of 2015)[31		BP (end of 2015)t4l	
Country -	Rank -	Reserves -	Rank -	Reserves -	Rank -	Reserves -
Venezuela (see: Oil reserves in Venezuela)	D	300,878	1	300,878	1	300,900
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